Friday, June 20, 2008

7:00 am forever!

The alarm was buzzing loudly, the sun was already up and shined with all its might, the shine fell on my face and here I was still sleeping.
My younger sister, bugged with the alarm, got up and finished her home work. And I still lay asleep.
Note: This was what mum narrated to me after I woke up.
It was 7:00am. Now why on earth does sun come up so soon? I wish we only had winters. But that would be boring, cause then I would curse the sun for rising late.
Anyway, I didn't budge. The phone was vibrating, my sis was trying to wake me up, and my parents too tried their hand at waking me up. (err no! I haven't had any heart attack.)
Mum immediately declared I had high temperature and it would be my day-off.
At that moment guess who woke up? :-)
hAhahahaha no! I didn't want to bunk my college that day but, some how my heart said I needed a break. I was wondering how the classes would be in my absence..silent...serious...and strict.
Well I am not boasting, just that after they shuffled my classes, I was put into the class of studious kids...who have all the answers at the tip of their tongue.
And if there was any sort of disturbance, you'll know who did it.
sad I know. But am happy the classes will go seriously.Or not may be. ;-)

But yes, a few minutes ago my best pal called me up. She said,the class was let out for studying and they have only study hours now. This is getting to be a bore now.
Anyway, the whole house was pretty peaceful today, thanks to my inability to stand at a place for a long time..I hate running temperature. But mom tells me, they are good cause once in a while it makes you sit at a place and lets you work out with things. (this is in case of me.)

But I tell you, there's nothing as boring as sitting in your house with nothing to do. Yes, some crave for such a life but let me tell you, you'll end up having a fatigue and will vow never to repeat such works again. Of course, maths is an important part of my life. And that will be the only thing that will give me strength from nowhere and yes, weakness from nowhere too.

This is my teddy bear, yeah! You might think am still a 6 year old kid playing around..but I don't give a damn..yes I don't play around with it though..but...sometimes its wonderful..when you know that at least this stuffed thing could help you vent your anger..easily..! Err...Weird times are back ! Mum hates that word...she literally counts the number of times I say "Weird" and roll my eyes everyday! lol..anyway....7:00 am forever!

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