Welcome back my dear problems, I missed you so much.
I cannot go on this way. Its wrong and miserable. I hate my conscience. And I hate Lady Gaga for singing in my head all the time. Bah! Apart from my rambling, nothing much has been happening in my life. Except that I'm turning into somebody I don't know.
No, really.
I'm trying hard to remain strong, but YOU are my weakness. It is so weird, I'm drowning in the sea of confusion. But then, I will sort it out like I usually do. :)
This vacation, I wanna do something different. I want this time to be a memorable one. I'm playing around, dancing and eating all the time. :P and this December I have amazing plans. And I'm meeting this guy in January. Taking Harini along for a holiday. I am too excited to sit and sort my problems.
You know, sometimes I sit and wish for the whole world to turn into a fantasy land with the snap of my finger.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ha ha ha.
And again. You are wrong. ha ha ha.
Now wait for the right time.
Had a weird dream this morning. It is so weird y'know. Saw P.S: I love you again. Like how many times have I seen the movie already? Movie is nothing great actually. But then.. :D its nice.
Me and Harini have been talking a lot about "perfect lives" blah blah. But then, nothing is perfect.
She wants a perfect guy, who'll tolerate her mood-swings, who'll not bug her, who'll inspire her blah blah blah. So do I. Isn't that in every girl's checklist?
Is having a perfect guy the last aim in life?
I know. Sometimes, you go crazy for somethings. And once you achieve them, you'll end up thinking "Is this it?".
Yeah. That's that.
That's why people say. Happiness is a state. Enjoy while it lasts.
And again. You are wrong. ha ha ha.
Now wait for the right time.
Had a weird dream this morning. It is so weird y'know. Saw P.S: I love you again. Like how many times have I seen the movie already? Movie is nothing great actually. But then.. :D its nice.
Me and Harini have been talking a lot about "perfect lives" blah blah. But then, nothing is perfect.
She wants a perfect guy, who'll tolerate her mood-swings, who'll not bug her, who'll inspire her blah blah blah. So do I. Isn't that in every girl's checklist?
Is having a perfect guy the last aim in life?
I know. Sometimes, you go crazy for somethings. And once you achieve them, you'll end up thinking "Is this it?".
Yeah. That's that.
That's why people say. Happiness is a state. Enjoy while it lasts.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening!!!!!!!
No. I want my normal life back. I do not want people faking around me. I do not want people pretending they like me. I do not want to be lazy. I want my friends back. The ones who love me and tolerate me.
What is going on?
No. I want my normal life back. I do not want people faking around me. I do not want people pretending they like me. I do not want to be lazy. I want my friends back. The ones who love me and tolerate me.
What is going on?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The things that I do.
1. When I see my room clean, I do a happy dance. Yes, i do.
2. When the sky is cloudy and when rain is just minutes away, I take a deep breath and exhale and grin.
3. When the professor gives me a "good", I stay calm in class. But once I'm out I jump in glee!
4. When I am supposed to make stuff with clay, I love the feeling of clay spread all over my palms. I love clay.
5. I want to grow tall and pretty. Yes, PRETTY.
6. When I talk on the phone, I DONOT sound gloomy.
7. I love sportswear. Tracks, t-shirts, SHOES, etc. WHAT NOT! :O
8. When I go on a date, I dress up. I've finally learnt how to apply that shimmering thing on my eyes.
9. When somebody is nice to me, I'm extremely nice. When somebody's weird, I pretend to be weird too. I fail anyway.
10. When I tell my friends/family “I love you", I never look into their eyes. I don't. Even if I mean it.
11. When I fight, my first weapon-legs. Second- teeth.
12. I love it when people tell me they like my nose. That makes me like my nose more. (No, I have a complex. My nose is a little too long.)
13. I play tennis for fun. I'm no professional. Raghu Ram will beat me anyday.
14. I keep saying “I hate shopping” all the time. But take me to a mall and you'll lose me.
15. I simply love playing at Shrujan's place. The consoles, the Dolby digital sound and the pineapples! I hate you, Jackass. :P
16. I do not like it when people don't reply when i text. Even if it is some random question about the class, I freaking want a reply.
17. I love ice-creams. I love Pistachio. You have a problem with that?
18. When I'm irritated i eat chocolates. My fav chocolate is nothing. Although i love Snickers (yes, I eat it even if it has egg or whatever!), toblerone and dark chocolates (home made by Meghna Chabbria).
19. I simply hate meeting somebody who doesn't talk. I hate it when people expect me to know everything.
20. Yes, when I hug somebody I try to feel my right hand's fingers meet my left hand's.
(And that is why I love hugging fat people. I can hug them as long as I touch my fingers. ^^)
21. When I cry, I do not take ages to stop. I cry and stop.
22. I love it when I’m showered with gifts. LOVE it.
23. I am bored of McD's burgers. Seriously. I'm bored eating burgers.
24. I love the number 6. I do not know why. I've been having six in almost every number I come across. My phone number, my roll numbers (hey 17 is 7-1=6!), adding it or subtracting it, i get six. Hey wait! Am I on the 24rth point? :P
25. I love water. I could play in water forever. Oh, that justifies why i love the rain.
26. When I talk to people online, i love it when the conversation lasts more than an hour. In fact, Malvika I could talk to you forever.
27. I finally found somebody I can talk to, for ages, without struggling hard to think of a topic. Tejas I can never stop talking to you. I hate our phones, though. They die when we talk for more than 3 hours.
28. I can eat many things at a time. I can have Chapatti, almonds, rice, juice and fruits at the same time.
29. I hate the color pink. But then I make my friend's day if I wear pink. So once in a while, I do wear pink.
30. I do not tell people I have a problem with them. I ignore.
31. I used to read “St.Clare's” under my bed, with a torch in my other hand, in 6th class. That was because my dad gifted it to me a week before my half-yearly exam.
32. I pick books which smell great! I love the smell of my dad's old notebooks and my late grand mother's Bhagavad Gita. Iloveiloveilove.
33. My dad can beat me in any game except Uno. ^^. Damn. Cricket, tennis, badminton, squash, t.t, 'let's race', 'the first one to touch the door gets to hug mom first', etc.
34. I hate it when people ask me to delete a picture I just took because they look bad, even though they look normal. I hate it when people snatch stuff from me.
35. I love storing dairy milk's golden wrapper and writing my name attaching a “:P” in the end.
36. I love my fashion communication professor’s gladiators! Like amazingly cool gladiators they are.
37. I miss my fast track watch. =(. But then G-shock is hawwwt Tejas. :D
38. I love my left ring finger’s nail
39. I keep having dreams in which my classmate snatches my boyfriend away
40. My neighbor gives me the most amazing movies. *sigh* what would I do without you anna? :D
41. When I meet my childhood friends, I do a happy dance again.
42. I wanna go on a roller-coaster ride this Christmas!
43. One day, I want to own a Picasso.
44. People say I resemble a sparrow.They also say I look like Soha Ali Khan. I blink twice when they say that.And I love my nick-names. No one in the world could have such cool nick-names as mine. Snuggy, Sniggly-wiggly, Snigga-roo, Sniggy-poo, pumpkin, Joey, pinnochio, sniggy, sniggy-piggy, etc. :P Seee? I told you they're cool.
45. I love Dungarees. I want to wear them all the time.
46. I simply hate it when babies cry. AAAAAAAAAAH! Why don't they come with a mute button? (Yes, I was a baby too. But hey! this kid under my house cries every time I start writing my document!)
47. When people ask me to love myself the most and pamper myself, I end up writing stuff like this which makes me look self-obsessed.
48. I cannot go anywhere without my back-pack. I love cloud-watching. I can see dolphins, cakes and India. No, wait.
*runs out*
*comes back*
No, i see a hot air balloon now.
49. I kinda think I love myself more than anything else now. :P
50. I should stop now.
Oh yeah! That’s me.
I like this quote on one of my classmate’s t-shirt : If you like me, raise your hand. If you don’t, raise your standards.
Lol. Didn’t mean to sound rude. But yeah. Never knew I could write so much when I’m bored.
2. When the sky is cloudy and when rain is just minutes away, I take a deep breath and exhale and grin.
3. When the professor gives me a "good", I stay calm in class. But once I'm out I jump in glee!
4. When I am supposed to make stuff with clay, I love the feeling of clay spread all over my palms. I love clay.
5. I want to grow tall and pretty. Yes, PRETTY.
6. When I talk on the phone, I DONOT sound gloomy.
7. I love sportswear. Tracks, t-shirts, SHOES, etc. WHAT NOT! :O
8. When I go on a date, I dress up. I've finally learnt how to apply that shimmering thing on my eyes.
9. When somebody is nice to me, I'm extremely nice. When somebody's weird, I pretend to be weird too. I fail anyway.
10. When I tell my friends/family “I love you", I never look into their eyes. I don't. Even if I mean it.
11. When I fight, my first weapon-legs. Second- teeth.
12. I love it when people tell me they like my nose. That makes me like my nose more. (No, I have a complex. My nose is a little too long.)
13. I play tennis for fun. I'm no professional. Raghu Ram will beat me anyday.
14. I keep saying “I hate shopping” all the time. But take me to a mall and you'll lose me.
15. I simply love playing at Shrujan's place. The consoles, the Dolby digital sound and the pineapples! I hate you, Jackass. :P
16. I do not like it when people don't reply when i text. Even if it is some random question about the class, I freaking want a reply.
17. I love ice-creams. I love Pistachio. You have a problem with that?
18. When I'm irritated i eat chocolates. My fav chocolate is nothing. Although i love Snickers (yes, I eat it even if it has egg or whatever!), toblerone and dark chocolates (home made by Meghna Chabbria).
19. I simply hate meeting somebody who doesn't talk. I hate it when people expect me to know everything.
20. Yes, when I hug somebody I try to feel my right hand's fingers meet my left hand's.
(And that is why I love hugging fat people. I can hug them as long as I touch my fingers. ^^)
21. When I cry, I do not take ages to stop. I cry and stop.
22. I love it when I’m showered with gifts. LOVE it.
23. I am bored of McD's burgers. Seriously. I'm bored eating burgers.
24. I love the number 6. I do not know why. I've been having six in almost every number I come across. My phone number, my roll numbers (hey 17 is 7-1=6!), adding it or subtracting it, i get six. Hey wait! Am I on the 24rth point? :P
25. I love water. I could play in water forever. Oh, that justifies why i love the rain.
26. When I talk to people online, i love it when the conversation lasts more than an hour. In fact, Malvika I could talk to you forever.
27. I finally found somebody I can talk to, for ages, without struggling hard to think of a topic. Tejas I can never stop talking to you. I hate our phones, though. They die when we talk for more than 3 hours.
28. I can eat many things at a time. I can have Chapatti, almonds, rice, juice and fruits at the same time.
29. I hate the color pink. But then I make my friend's day if I wear pink. So once in a while, I do wear pink.
30. I do not tell people I have a problem with them. I ignore.
31. I used to read “St.Clare's” under my bed, with a torch in my other hand, in 6th class. That was because my dad gifted it to me a week before my half-yearly exam.
32. I pick books which smell great! I love the smell of my dad's old notebooks and my late grand mother's Bhagavad Gita. Iloveiloveilove.
33. My dad can beat me in any game except Uno. ^^. Damn. Cricket, tennis, badminton, squash, t.t, 'let's race', 'the first one to touch the door gets to hug mom first', etc.
34. I hate it when people ask me to delete a picture I just took because they look bad, even though they look normal. I hate it when people snatch stuff from me.
35. I love storing dairy milk's golden wrapper and writing my name attaching a “:P” in the end.
36. I love my fashion communication professor’s gladiators! Like amazingly cool gladiators they are.
37. I miss my fast track watch. =(. But then G-shock is hawwwt Tejas. :D
38. I love my left ring finger’s nail
39. I keep having dreams in which my classmate snatches my boyfriend away
40. My neighbor gives me the most amazing movies. *sigh* what would I do without you anna? :D
41. When I meet my childhood friends, I do a happy dance again.
42. I wanna go on a roller-coaster ride this Christmas!
43. One day, I want to own a Picasso.
44. People say I resemble a sparrow.They also say I look like Soha Ali Khan. I blink twice when they say that.And I love my nick-names. No one in the world could have such cool nick-names as mine. Snuggy, Sniggly-wiggly, Snigga-roo, Sniggy-poo, pumpkin, Joey, pinnochio, sniggy, sniggy-piggy, etc. :P Seee? I told you they're cool.
45. I love Dungarees. I want to wear them all the time.
46. I simply hate it when babies cry. AAAAAAAAAAH! Why don't they come with a mute button? (Yes, I was a baby too. But hey! this kid under my house cries every time I start writing my document!)
47. When people ask me to love myself the most and pamper myself, I end up writing stuff like this which makes me look self-obsessed.
48. I cannot go anywhere without my back-pack. I love cloud-watching. I can see dolphins, cakes and India. No, wait.
*runs out*
*comes back*
No, i see a hot air balloon now.
49. I kinda think I love myself more than anything else now. :P
50. I should stop now.
Oh yeah! That’s me.
I like this quote on one of my classmate’s t-shirt : If you like me, raise your hand. If you don’t, raise your standards.
Lol. Didn’t mean to sound rude. But yeah. Never knew I could write so much when I’m bored.
Monday, November 9, 2009
No, it's not always right that YOU are right.
How in the world can you go against everything around you?
Shrujan: Snigdha.. not for u. Leave it.
Malvika: What's happening?
Sam: WTF?
Me: *no matter what, I'm doing it* Oh okay.
And then.. you realize.. THEY were right.
You're friends are the world's best judges. They can read, analyze and decide anything. But you, will be blinded by the faith you have.
Its the nth time. And people say, you learn from your mistakes. Where did all the learning go, Snigdha?
Why do you always end up irritated and dumb?
And THIS is what you did to yourself. The ever straight forward, happy and Sporty girl... Do I even know her anymore?
Snigdha you shouldn't have.
Snigdha.. Why?.
Snigdha, leave it alone.
Sniggs you can't be that dumb.
When you try to take control of your life, you better get ready to control the consequences too.
Till you realize that..
How in the world can you go against everything around you?
Shrujan: Snigdha.. not for u. Leave it.
Malvika: What's happening?
Sam: WTF?
Me: *no matter what, I'm doing it* Oh okay.
And then.. you realize.. THEY were right.
You're friends are the world's best judges. They can read, analyze and decide anything. But you, will be blinded by the faith you have.
Its the nth time. And people say, you learn from your mistakes. Where did all the learning go, Snigdha?
Why do you always end up irritated and dumb?
And THIS is what you did to yourself. The ever straight forward, happy and Sporty girl... Do I even know her anymore?
Snigdha you shouldn't have.
Snigdha.. Why?.
Snigdha, leave it alone.
Sniggs you can't be that dumb.
When you try to take control of your life, you better get ready to control the consequences too.
Till you realize that..
Bitter sweet happiness.
Please please add more happiness in other areas of my life too, God.
Please please add more happiness in other areas of my life too, God.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Ah! Taurean.
The Bull - Taurus
April 21 to May 21
Taurus Traits
Patient and reliable
Warmhearted and loving
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving
On the dark side....
Jealous and possessive
Resentful and inflexible
Self-indulgent and greedy
What's with astrology? Why do I read the horoscope section in the newspaper even if I hate reading it? A few incidents occur and people conclude: Ah! Taurean.
And that was when I decided to finally see how "Taureans" act..I realize I am everything written above.
Am I really this?
I don't know if I have to apologize or chuck it!
A troubled Taurean.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Its been a crazy time.You have no idea why I'm messing up. I know its gonna be hard, for both of us, but life will go on.
I'm trying to change and turn over a new leaf. take care..
I'm trying to change and turn over a new leaf. take care..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Isn't it awkward when you're called by somebody..and they end up talking to the girl who came along with you?
Anyway..that's just the starting of my days here. Classes have started and I'm really not sure if they are really "Fun" like the professors say..or its full of woe!
I have pretty good room-mates..ofcourse..There's friction in the beginning, but well..You cannot help!My seniors(the ones who've interacted) are friendly enough to scare away my fears of ragging.Most of them are fun and cool! All this time,I was just hoping I'd find someone to hang around.In fact, most of the local kids hang out together and I'm well..stuck with "To kill a mockingbird" in my room. Sadly,I need to kill the mockingbird inside me, first.I hate it when I'm turning too conscious about how i walk,talk and behave with people.I'm half hating myself for not being too poise and sweet.And then..I realised..I don't need to be like the dolls! Well this debate still continues. Day and night.Never mind..Like I said, "woes never end".
However,there's something really nice about this place that makes me jump!They have a tennis court!:PAll the years I've missed out..I'm going to catch up with every ounce of fun i missed these 3 years!
There's a great library, with the most inspiring books I've always wanted to read.Thankfully, i can still access the Internet thanks to the computers in my hostel!
Things don't seem to make sense now..anyway.Why bother when I've got so much to do?:)
Nikhil made last weekend the best weekend i could have had!Thanks a bunch,nicky-poo!:)
And,oh! Happy Friendship day to all of you guys!:)You know I love you guys a lot!I'm so glad i have had you guys to share, care and fool around! Its the best feeling, you know, the feeling of being loved.:)
I should end right here..Or the person next might rip my head off.She's been waiting all this time for me to finish my blog-post!:P and the mosquitoes are a menace!GAH!....
Till the next one,Love y'all!
P.S: Dear malu,
This entire column is for you. I know you hate me for not writing you one of those jhanvi's letters, but I've got an entire blog post for you.Well, at least the last part of it.:PYou are going to a very new place and you'll be all excited and happy.Just make sure you don't go off tracks and turn into some random chick we never knew, if you know what I mean.:)
We all love you,and we wish you all the best!Just study for once.:P
Take care, I'll miss ya loads.Every time i see our picture of both of us walking hand in hand..it makes me so nostalgic..The times we spent...The jokes we shared..:P (the secrets too!):P. In the end..we'll all stay in touch. Take care,(OMG!!stop it now!) road-roller:P!
Anyway..that's just the starting of my days here. Classes have started and I'm really not sure if they are really "Fun" like the professors say..or its full of woe!
I have pretty good room-mates..ofcourse..There's friction in the beginning, but well..You cannot help!My seniors(the ones who've interacted) are friendly enough to scare away my fears of ragging.Most of them are fun and cool! All this time,I was just hoping I'd find someone to hang around.In fact, most of the local kids hang out together and I'm well..stuck with "To kill a mockingbird" in my room. Sadly,I need to kill the mockingbird inside me, first.I hate it when I'm turning too conscious about how i walk,talk and behave with people.I'm half hating myself for not being too poise and sweet.And then..I realised..I don't need to be like the dolls! Well this debate still continues. Day and night.Never mind..Like I said, "woes never end".
However,there's something really nice about this place that makes me jump!They have a tennis court!:PAll the years I've missed out..I'm going to catch up with every ounce of fun i missed these 3 years!
There's a great library, with the most inspiring books I've always wanted to read.Thankfully, i can still access the Internet thanks to the computers in my hostel!
Things don't seem to make sense now..anyway.Why bother when I've got so much to do?:)
Nikhil made last weekend the best weekend i could have had!Thanks a bunch,nicky-poo!:)
And,oh! Happy Friendship day to all of you guys!:)You know I love you guys a lot!I'm so glad i have had you guys to share, care and fool around! Its the best feeling, you know, the feeling of being loved.:)
I should end right here..Or the person next might rip my head off.She's been waiting all this time for me to finish my blog-post!:P and the mosquitoes are a menace!GAH!....
Till the next one,Love y'all!
P.S: Dear malu,
This entire column is for you. I know you hate me for not writing you one of those jhanvi's letters, but I've got an entire blog post for you.Well, at least the last part of it.:PYou are going to a very new place and you'll be all excited and happy.Just make sure you don't go off tracks and turn into some random chick we never knew, if you know what I mean.:)
We all love you,and we wish you all the best!Just study for once.:P
Take care, I'll miss ya loads.Every time i see our picture of both of us walking hand in hand..it makes me so nostalgic..The times we spent...The jokes we shared..:P (the secrets too!):P. In the end..we'll all stay in touch. Take care,(OMG!!stop it now!) road-roller:P!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Nift-first feelings!
College has started!
I didn't have any idea how it would be, if I stayed in a hostel.Its scary and fun..First day turned out to be little weird.Most of the local kids knew each other..and I was probably the only one left out.
Yet I ventured up to talk..and break the ice.
My voice has turned hoarse due to the sudden climate change..and due to the ice-cold water I had at Jahnvi's house.
Never mind..My woes never end.
My professor is a fun being..She mingles really well and has a great way of breaking the ice with the kids..the other professor is not-so-awesome but she's a little weird though..(she's the oldest member of the first NIFT of India, supposedly.)
Our classrooms are pretty okay..although I could write a book on "Why i hate staying at the hostel!".
I met pretty nice people..ofcourse I'm intimidated by their looks..Most of them look like Super-models in making..More than designers in making!
Its hard to make friends for me now..I dunnoo..I find it pretty weird to go up to someone and talk to them.Whereas I see kids who run to people and make instant converstaions.It kinda kills my 'normal' attitude.
Infact,I never really had a problem with mingling with people.Anyway..I hope this friction between me and people decreases..or w/e.
Here are a few pics I took..Came home to meet my doctor.My condition seemed worse..so ran home.:)
1-the cat which jumped into my room.:)
2-The new building.
3-the guys who ragged me and a few friends..
They were jamming and we went in and they ragged us..Can't believe I danced and sang in this pathetic condition! :P
In short..I didn't really get used to the campus.i wish I never got out of school...:(
Anyway..Jahnvi, I miss you loads.tejas, thanks a bunch for being there when I needed someone to talk to..
Shruj:you rock!Awesomest bro,friend ever!:)
Nikhil: Sulky baby!:P Im meeting you soon dude! :)
Rest of you, i miss you'll too!
Till my next post, take care.
I didn't have any idea how it would be, if I stayed in a hostel.Its scary and fun..First day turned out to be little weird.Most of the local kids knew each other..and I was probably the only one left out.
Yet I ventured up to talk..and break the ice.
My voice has turned hoarse due to the sudden climate change..and due to the ice-cold water I had at Jahnvi's house.
Never mind..My woes never end.
My professor is a fun being..She mingles really well and has a great way of breaking the ice with the kids..the other professor is not-so-awesome but she's a little weird though..(she's the oldest member of the first NIFT of India, supposedly.)
Our classrooms are pretty okay..although I could write a book on "Why i hate staying at the hostel!".
I met pretty nice people..ofcourse I'm intimidated by their looks..Most of them look like Super-models in making..More than designers in making!
Its hard to make friends for me now..I dunnoo..I find it pretty weird to go up to someone and talk to them.Whereas I see kids who run to people and make instant converstaions.It kinda kills my 'normal' attitude.
Infact,I never really had a problem with mingling with people.Anyway..I hope this friction between me and people decreases..or w/e.
Here are a few pics I took..Came home to meet my doctor.My condition seemed worse..so ran home.:)
1-the cat which jumped into my room.:)
2-The new building.
In short..I didn't really get used to the campus.i wish I never got out of school...:(
Anyway..Jahnvi, I miss you loads.tejas, thanks a bunch for being there when I needed someone to talk to..
Shruj:you rock!Awesomest bro,friend ever!:)
Nikhil: Sulky baby!:P Im meeting you soon dude! :)
Rest of you, i miss you'll too!
Till my next post, take care.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Awesomest day ever!
The days are getting closer..Time is running..the day all of us will choose to leave our nests is coming closer...enough of the weirdness. It's time..Can't believe its running so quick!The greatest enemy..and a friend..ah whatever.
Today was one day I had a BLAST! Started off with car washing..and going for my Childhood hero's movie..:P Harry potter and the half blood prince.
Movie was fine..Dumbledore dies everyone knows..and Snape turns out to be the "HALF BLOOD PRINCE"..hey haven't you read the book?
And..apart from the yelling I got several times to put on the seat belt and sit quietly instead of jumping here and there and shuffling the songs on the i-pod..I discovered a LOT about someone who'll always seem to be the person you've known for ages..but you REALLY DON'T KNOW HIM!Anyway with all the "attitude problem disease" in the air..i really don't know how to deal with it.
If I ask a friend, he said "Why are you people behaving like KG kids?" so..I threw the patience out of the window and decided I'd never bother to deal with Attitude..:P
Ainnyway..coming back to today. Ashley and Manu came along with Nikhil..and What a day! OMG..what a day!
First movie,Then roaming.:P
We ended up eating something..and run home.On the way,Ashley(nicknamed:camel) spotted a camel..:P and we also ended up having camel rides! OMG! hahaa..me and Nik on one..and Manu and Ashley on the other.Bumpy it should be..and it was a lot more fun..cause Manu and Nik were terrified! :P
Brother and sister (nik and manu)..freaked out..but ended up loving the ride! ;)
Although,I didn't have cotton candy (which I have everytime I go to that part of the city), today was awesome.Simply because I did everything I wanted to do in a day.Go for a movie,go running in a mall from store to store,freak out at 50-60% off sales and look at people who were getting
their dead skin removed by the "kissing fish" hahaha,that was a scene worth watching..and then going back for a looooong drive to "THE PLACE YOU HAVE TO BE ON A CLOUDY DAY IN HYD"-Necklace road.
Aah.Awesome awesome.Ice-creams..Music..and lots of DRAMA.Yes, me and manu are DRAMA QUEENS! :P
For everything,Nikhil and Ashley..Thanks a ton!It was a day every girl would love to cherish..:)..Psst..is it going waay too cheesy? NEVER MIND.
You guys..are awesome :P!!!
Love all of you,
Today was one day I had a BLAST! Started off with car washing..and going for my Childhood hero's movie..:P Harry potter and the half blood prince.
Movie was fine..Dumbledore dies everyone knows..and Snape turns out to be the "HALF BLOOD PRINCE"..hey haven't you read the book?
And..apart from the yelling I got several times to put on the seat belt and sit quietly instead of jumping here and there and shuffling the songs on the i-pod..I discovered a LOT about someone who'll always seem to be the person you've known for ages..but you REALLY DON'T KNOW HIM!Anyway with all the "attitude problem disease" in the air..i really don't know how to deal with it.
If I ask a friend, he said "Why are you people behaving like KG kids?" so..I threw the patience out of the window and decided I'd never bother to deal with Attitude..:P
Ainnyway..coming back to today. Ashley and Manu came along with Nikhil..and What a day! OMG..what a day!
First movie,Then roaming.:P
We ended up eating something..and run home.On the way,Ashley(nicknamed:camel) spotted a camel..:P and we also ended up having camel rides! OMG! hahaa..me and Nik on one..and Manu and Ashley on the other.Bumpy it should be..and it was a lot more fun..cause Manu and Nik were terrified! :P
Brother and sister (nik and manu)..freaked out..but ended up loving the ride! ;)
Although,I didn't have cotton candy (which I have everytime I go to that part of the city), today was awesome.Simply because I did everything I wanted to do in a day.Go for a movie,go running in a mall from store to store,freak out at 50-60% off sales and look at people who were getting
their dead skin removed by the "kissing fish" hahaha,that was a scene worth watching..and then going back for a looooong drive to "THE PLACE YOU HAVE TO BE ON A CLOUDY DAY IN HYD"-Necklace road.
Aah.Awesome awesome.Ice-creams..Music..and lots of DRAMA.Yes, me and manu are DRAMA QUEENS! :P
For everything,Nikhil and Ashley..Thanks a ton!It was a day every girl would love to cherish..:)..Psst..is it going waay too cheesy? NEVER MIND.
You guys..are awesome :P!!!
Love all of you,
Friday, July 10, 2009
I hate accepting I was perfectly normal,in the past few days.Loneliness can take you into a different world,where you realize there is nothing better than being a loner than stay around a mob of people who love putting enthu into your mind!I mean,I dunno how I tackle this,but it is an attitude problem.I love being a loner!I do.I hate being the one who is the joker of the group..or the one whose voice is louder than the rest,but the message is never transferred!Why do people pretend like they have golden halos on their heads,and bitch behind backs?And why are "those" people always one of your close pals?The previous two years were wrecked,all thanks to my college.And now once I'm out of college and when I'm searching for a "new life"...everybody think I'm "changing"! Yeah I am.I want to.I hate being the weird kid.I hate being the one who gets stuck in between situations always.
Why is everything around me weird?I avoid people.I hate conversing with them.I hate discussing
anything.I hate being around people.I'm loving everything I should be avoiding!
I just don like it.I am totally obsessed.Ahhh.Worst part is when "someone" is acting illogically possessive.Insecurity kills people.Bah.Please please..tell me this is a phase I'll get out of, in a few hours!
Why is everything around me weird?I avoid people.I hate conversing with them.I hate discussing
anything.I hate being around people.I'm loving everything I should be avoiding!
I just don like it.I am totally obsessed.Ahhh.Worst part is when "someone" is acting illogically possessive.Insecurity kills people.Bah.Please please..tell me this is a phase I'll get out of, in a few hours!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Mood swing 1.
Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers
when Our love is strong
Why carry on without me
Everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy
And everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings,
I feel so small I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry
At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away
And everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
Really weird of me typing this up..but..something inside my head asked me to do it.
Felt this was the song of the moment.
Why are we strangers
when Our love is strong
Why carry on without me
Everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy
And everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings,
I feel so small I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry
At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away
And everytime I try to fly,
I fall Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
Really weird of me typing this up..but..something inside my head asked me to do it.
Felt this was the song of the moment.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
This can't happen.I mean,I never had to stare at the monitor for about 3 minutes to think of what I am about to type. I just didn't need to think, before.Now I just run out of thoughts?
Met Rachana yesterday.Sweet little kid.Oh,sweet little tall kid. :P
Shopped.Ate.Celebrated. :P
Although,we ran from places to places, it was fun.Can't believe it ended too soon.Would love to meet you again.
Presently,reading about Chucky(child's play). Thank you Tejas, I might not sleep now BECAUSE of you asking me to read about the psychotic male doll!
Can anybody get me a pill which can cure me from the "i-am-really-pissed-off-with-my-life" syndrome?
Oh,Dhaval. Im so happy for you.Bipul,Wish you all the luck in the world.
Shrujan,get back soon with a lion cub for me or something! :P
Aarthi,Im praying.You know we'l fight and get what we want. :P
Mom, I love you.
Met Rachana yesterday.Sweet little kid.Oh,sweet little tall kid. :P
Shopped.Ate.Celebrated. :P
Although,we ran from places to places, it was fun.Can't believe it ended too soon.Would love to meet you again.
Presently,reading about Chucky(child's play). Thank you Tejas, I might not sleep now BECAUSE of you asking me to read about the psychotic male doll!
Can anybody get me a pill which can cure me from the "i-am-really-pissed-off-with-my-life" syndrome?
Oh,Dhaval. Im so happy for you.Bipul,Wish you all the luck in the world.
Shrujan,get back soon with a lion cub for me or something! :P
Aarthi,Im praying.You know we'l fight and get what we want. :P
Mom, I love you.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Birthday wishes.
Before I try to accept wishes from near and dear ones, I thought I'd wish myself for surviving 17 long years on this planet. Although 17 is not a big number, the number of experiences, good,bad,sweet,etc etc are big in number! I couldn't have made this far without you people.Thank you so so much for being there. I hope, I keep continuing this process, think-do-learn-survive.
Dad: I'm so glad I'm your daughter. It's such a huge responsibility I know. I'm so glad you were there for me all the time. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you. :)
Mom: You are someone I always admired, mom :). Although you guys will miss my birthday this time, I know how much you'd miss me there too.
Chins: You are my successor in devilish activities! I'm so proud you take after me;)...Love you loads.
The gang: You know me so well..I would have been an incomplete, blah-blah-blah girl if you guys wouldn't have been there for me.
Aarthi: You should have been my twin! God's forgotten to put both of us in the same womb, that's what I think. :P
Jahnavi: The psychologist of the gang. Goes bull's-eye on stuff she strongly stands on. An inspiration for the gang, and the "ideal" kid for the parents of the gang members. :P
Shrujan: MY best friend. Yes, Mine. No matter whatever happened, you always stood by my side. I'm so proud I've got you. My brother, my best buddy. Name it. He's always by my side.
Rahul: My look-alike. Err..or I'm his look-alike :P. Someone who goes for a deeper meaning everywhere. Someone who can understand you so well. Is always there to smile, and open his arms to give you one of his bear-hugs.:)
Amal: My big daddy! Yes, you should stop twisting my arm badly when I trouble you.
Malvika: You know you're the stylish one amongst all o us! :) The kid too :P.
Nikhil: You are the biggest clown of my life! Can't imagine myself laughing without you around! We met just a few months ago, but this special bond we share..believe me..You keep me away from all those things that stress me out! Thank-you for being there..for the "Right-time, right-place hugs!", for everything we ever did together! You make life a joy-ride. :)
Bipul: The one guy who can teach you physics,and pull your leg badly! This guy has a bitter-sweet sarcasm which irks you, but you can't help it! He's a lot brainier, which means he has to dominate! (case is different with me.:P I dominate although I'm not brainy as he is!). He's always awake to talk to you, and has changed a great deal since the past one year! One of the best guys i met! :) Thank-you for being there for me.
Sweety: You are the best counsellor I ever had. Thank you for listening to me and let me share my thoughts with you. Love you loads akka.(Love sunny too:P)
Rachana: We never met, never saw each other. All I know is, I love talking to her. The best friend i can have online!Always there to hear my woes..eerrr..I've sopped sulking though.:P Thank-you for being the wall, right when I was about to collapse!
Sai: Yeah, well You still remain the Best-brainy guy I ever met. Although things aren't smooth, You've been a great friend when I needed you to be. I'm glad we met.
Dhaval: Yeah Devil! You just made into my list of the best people I ever met! :P The only sensible guy of my class. (oh. Mr.bean, prashanth, and the good ones included too)
Fabulously designed brain he carries over his shoulders! Laughs away at things, where people would weep, cry, howl! I remember the times, I sulked, thinking nobody cared about me in the class..and you lecturing me on " Why you should never let jack-asses care for you!". :) Thank-you so much for inspiring me, Mr.Perfectionist!
Meg,Lisa,sayu: I wouldn't have been able to come to college at all, last year, if you guys wouldn't have been there to be by my side! :) Love you so much!
Aruna Aunty: My best-friend's mom! No, My best friend rather! One of the strongest ladies I ever met. Strong by heart, mind and soul. My listener, my counsellor, my support. My guardian. Comes right after my parents to me. Love you loads aunty. :)
Anandita: :) You know..you made my life so beautiful! :) Thank you for being there. Thank-you Gokul.
Anandit: A blogger, with a unique style of writing. My guide to architecture. I would have been so hazy if you hadn't helped me with putting stuff into places, in my mind. :) Thank-you so much.
My Physics Sir in tuition: I never knew I'd like physics this much! Thank-you sir for curing me of this fear I had. Thank-you for making physics fun and life easy.
My teachers, my friends I haven't mentioned here..all of you..I thank you so so much for being there for me. I wouldn't have been what I am today without you people, directing me, and dumping so much of affection! Thank-you so much.
People I knew..for ages, and helped me grow..and never let me down..Thank you so so much!
People who let me down..ah..You've taught me a lesson, so you are a part of the above ones :).
Now, while I was writing this, one of my friends came home. I've gotta share it here..
The phone rang, and I was shocked to see him call at this time. Okay it's my birthday, but he'd be sleeping by now. And I was ordered to come downstairs! I was so shocked! He was telling me he had to do some job for his mom and all.I came down running. We caught up, and walked back to the terrace. I walked back inside the house..and when I came back..I saw the door to the terrace latched! What the hell!! And after sometime, they opened the door..all i could see were candles! My gosh! And he was sitting right there..beside the cake, with a guitar..:) I was so surprised! I ran into the house to get the knife..when i came back..I saw his cousin sitting down..waiting for me to cut the cake..Before I cut it, I was supposed to wish..as I wished..I could hear the guitar's strings strum a lovely tune..and he hummed a song..The sitting cousin, suddenly scratched a match..and there were colors in the sky! Rockets, flying in all directions! one at a time! As I watched..he pushed a present towards me...too many wrappers..at last, all I got was a fortune cookie and a toy! :P Another gift popped up! Shirts! My gosh! Is this how I wanted my day to start?? Terrific!
He was none other than my brother, friend, rock-solid support-Emmanuel! My tuition-mate. And his cousin, who looks like a bouncer at a Pub! :P
I was jumping with excitement! Couldn't imagine it would turn out this way! This will be the best birthday I ever had! Most memorable one!
Thank-you all for starting my day, ( not-yet started..:P but still!) terrifically!
Love you all,
Dad: I'm so glad I'm your daughter. It's such a huge responsibility I know. I'm so glad you were there for me all the time. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you. :)
Mom: You are someone I always admired, mom :). Although you guys will miss my birthday this time, I know how much you'd miss me there too.
Chins: You are my successor in devilish activities! I'm so proud you take after me;)...Love you loads.
The gang: You know me so well..I would have been an incomplete, blah-blah-blah girl if you guys wouldn't have been there for me.
Aarthi: You should have been my twin! God's forgotten to put both of us in the same womb, that's what I think. :P
Jahnavi: The psychologist of the gang. Goes bull's-eye on stuff she strongly stands on. An inspiration for the gang, and the "ideal" kid for the parents of the gang members. :P
Shrujan: MY best friend. Yes, Mine. No matter whatever happened, you always stood by my side. I'm so proud I've got you. My brother, my best buddy. Name it. He's always by my side.
Rahul: My look-alike. Err..or I'm his look-alike :P. Someone who goes for a deeper meaning everywhere. Someone who can understand you so well. Is always there to smile, and open his arms to give you one of his bear-hugs.:)
Amal: My big daddy! Yes, you should stop twisting my arm badly when I trouble you.
Malvika: You know you're the stylish one amongst all o us! :) The kid too :P.
Nikhil: You are the biggest clown of my life! Can't imagine myself laughing without you around! We met just a few months ago, but this special bond we share..believe me..You keep me away from all those things that stress me out! Thank-you for being there..for the "Right-time, right-place hugs!", for everything we ever did together! You make life a joy-ride. :)
Bipul: The one guy who can teach you physics,and pull your leg badly! This guy has a bitter-sweet sarcasm which irks you, but you can't help it! He's a lot brainier, which means he has to dominate! (case is different with me.:P I dominate although I'm not brainy as he is!). He's always awake to talk to you, and has changed a great deal since the past one year! One of the best guys i met! :) Thank-you for being there for me.
Sweety: You are the best counsellor I ever had. Thank you for listening to me and let me share my thoughts with you. Love you loads akka.(Love sunny too:P)
Rachana: We never met, never saw each other. All I know is, I love talking to her. The best friend i can have online!Always there to hear my woes..eerrr..I've sopped sulking though.:P Thank-you for being the wall, right when I was about to collapse!
Sai: Yeah, well You still remain the Best-brainy guy I ever met. Although things aren't smooth, You've been a great friend when I needed you to be. I'm glad we met.
Dhaval: Yeah Devil! You just made into my list of the best people I ever met! :P The only sensible guy of my class. (oh. Mr.bean, prashanth, and the good ones included too)
Fabulously designed brain he carries over his shoulders! Laughs away at things, where people would weep, cry, howl! I remember the times, I sulked, thinking nobody cared about me in the class..and you lecturing me on " Why you should never let jack-asses care for you!". :) Thank-you so much for inspiring me, Mr.Perfectionist!
Meg,Lisa,sayu: I wouldn't have been able to come to college at all, last year, if you guys wouldn't have been there to be by my side! :) Love you so much!
Aruna Aunty: My best-friend's mom! No, My best friend rather! One of the strongest ladies I ever met. Strong by heart, mind and soul. My listener, my counsellor, my support. My guardian. Comes right after my parents to me. Love you loads aunty. :)
Anandita: :) You know..you made my life so beautiful! :) Thank you for being there. Thank-you Gokul.
Anandit: A blogger, with a unique style of writing. My guide to architecture. I would have been so hazy if you hadn't helped me with putting stuff into places, in my mind. :) Thank-you so much.
My Physics Sir in tuition: I never knew I'd like physics this much! Thank-you sir for curing me of this fear I had. Thank-you for making physics fun and life easy.
My teachers, my friends I haven't mentioned here..all of you..I thank you so so much for being there for me. I wouldn't have been what I am today without you people, directing me, and dumping so much of affection! Thank-you so much.
People I knew..for ages, and helped me grow..and never let me down..Thank you so so much!
People who let me down..ah..You've taught me a lesson, so you are a part of the above ones :).
Now, while I was writing this, one of my friends came home. I've gotta share it here..
The phone rang, and I was shocked to see him call at this time. Okay it's my birthday, but he'd be sleeping by now. And I was ordered to come downstairs! I was so shocked! He was telling me he had to do some job for his mom and all.I came down running. We caught up, and walked back to the terrace. I walked back inside the house..and when I came back..I saw the door to the terrace latched! What the hell!! And after sometime, they opened the door..all i could see were candles! My gosh! And he was sitting right there..beside the cake, with a guitar..:) I was so surprised! I ran into the house to get the knife..when i came back..I saw his cousin sitting down..waiting for me to cut the cake..Before I cut it, I was supposed to wish..as I wished..I could hear the guitar's strings strum a lovely tune..and he hummed a song..The sitting cousin, suddenly scratched a match..and there were colors in the sky! Rockets, flying in all directions! one at a time! As I watched..he pushed a present towards me...too many wrappers..at last, all I got was a fortune cookie and a toy! :P Another gift popped up! Shirts! My gosh! Is this how I wanted my day to start?? Terrific!
He was none other than my brother, friend, rock-solid support-Emmanuel! My tuition-mate. And his cousin, who looks like a bouncer at a Pub! :P
I was jumping with excitement! Couldn't imagine it would turn out this way! This will be the best birthday I ever had! Most memorable one!
Thank-you all for starting my day, ( not-yet started..:P but still!) terrifically!
Love you all,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm living every second of my life, thinking of my future. I wish I was back to my kindergarten.
I'm sorry I messed up things, somehow feel very guilty after last night's dream. Gosh! I'm scared to sleep too!
This week started off well, Thank you Andy for showing me the way.. :).
Thank you Naman, for helping me out.
But..most of all..I just realized..Distance is never a big deal..you proved..Thanks a bunch for being there for me..err..Atleast I think so..How do you take all my dream and crap?! My God! Anyway..she's dear Rachana, met through a err..friend..and is the first person I'm so proud of talking on my blog (if you've noticed, I've given the others nick names!).
Thanks a lot. :) ...*words lost*
I'm sorry I messed up things, somehow feel very guilty after last night's dream. Gosh! I'm scared to sleep too!
This week started off well, Thank you Andy for showing me the way.. :).
Thank you Naman, for helping me out.
But..most of all..I just realized..Distance is never a big deal..you proved..Thanks a bunch for being there for me..err..Atleast I think so..How do you take all my dream and crap?! My God! Anyway..she's dear Rachana, met through a err..friend..and is the first person I'm so proud of talking on my blog (if you've noticed, I've given the others nick names!).
Thanks a lot. :) ...*words lost*
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
To my dearest.
Ever since I had emotions, and learnt to express them, even since I've learnt what being "loved" meant, ever since I realised I'm no queen Tracy, You've been there for me. Yes, I've had no better place to express my emotions. Although a few close pals read you, they would have read me before anyway..It's just that I've felt really lonely of all the days, today. Started off normally, dad, dropping me for my class at 8, me searching for an empty desk, surrounded by few people who'll hardly notice me and leave me, day dreaming.Maths,Physics,Physics and Maths!In between, exchanging a few smses. What went wrong I don't know! I was acting weird since morning. Either being too grouchy or pretending not to listen when people are screaming their throats out! Yes, I do it purposely. You know that as well. I hate being talked to. I hate people telling me stuff. I hate people telling me I should change, in fact I hate change. I hate it when they remind me "my good ol' days", I hate it when they act ghey, I hate everything and anything around me...except when I'm all alone..digging into my choco-chips ice-cream. I don't believe what's happening to me. I have grown so stone-cold-rock-hard hearted. When was I like this?
"Do you really think you could read my face? Do you even know what I think about you? Do you know I avoid you, yet I wait for you to start a conversation and still think you're amazing?"
Somebody take me away to cherry blossom, so that I'd stay a nun my whole life, meditating!
But, in the end, you're always there to let me puke everything that's biting me up.
Maybe, it's good for me. Maybe, I'm being kept on the waiting list for things better than before, let's hope, maybe.
Maybe all this will end one day? Maybe everybody I hated, will not be hated anymore? Maybe I'll sit with people around me, happily chatting away? Maybe I'll find the person I always wanted to be with, in a person I've known for long?
Maybe I should wait?
Whatever, I know you're always there for me. All I need to do is, drag a chair, and type..!
Love you more that choco-chips,toblerone,nirvana.
"Do you really think you could read my face? Do you even know what I think about you? Do you know I avoid you, yet I wait for you to start a conversation and still think you're amazing?"
Somebody take me away to cherry blossom, so that I'd stay a nun my whole life, meditating!
But, in the end, you're always there to let me puke everything that's biting me up.
Maybe, it's good for me. Maybe, I'm being kept on the waiting list for things better than before, let's hope, maybe.
Maybe all this will end one day? Maybe everybody I hated, will not be hated anymore? Maybe I'll sit with people around me, happily chatting away? Maybe I'll find the person I always wanted to be with, in a person I've known for long?
Maybe I should wait?
Whatever, I know you're always there for me. All I need to do is, drag a chair, and type..!
Love you more that choco-chips,toblerone,nirvana.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Peace.At last. Never knew I'd escape from the havoc caused by whacky brain-chewing stuff for 5 hours straight. I know we all needed a push, but we had to make it a DAY..and we all needed that PUSH..and I joined in as the propellant. For the first time in my life, I've felt what true affection was, and I'm proud..I've got the world's gems as my pals..No matter which corner of the world they are..no matter how they act..I love them.. Yeah I may act wild sometimes..without leaving anyone pissed out..I love you people..:)
And Rahul and Malvika..I had great fun today..Happy Birthday..even if your birthdays were days ago..:P..Love ya..! :)
And Rahul and Malvika..I had great fun today..Happy Birthday..even if your birthdays were days ago..:P..Love ya..! :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Life's smoother. Funnier. And weirder. I am going to turn 17 this april. It's hard to believe, I've got out of my college and I will never have to go to that college again, except for collecting my certificates! Exams went in a puff. Things ran too quick. I realized the value of three hours, when I wrote the exams. Before them, 3 hours were enough to kill loads of time. Strange, Life's so secretive. Although, I've got issues to deal with my mom and dad, they seem so un-important now. Parents. Gosh. You can't live with them, you can't live without them! This has been my dialogue since a month. But, maybe all these will be long forgotten once you realise your destiny, after all..what are all of us here for?
Maybe, they won't pester you so much for studying well, or behaving well, after you've reached your goal? I'll keep the hope alive.
All these years, I've lived believing, I'd be perfect one day. I'll have people loving me, no enemies, and I'd do things my way. Little did I realise..that one day is the day of celeebration for working out like a slave the rest of the days!
Conscience. Has been my latest enemy. I've gotta listen to my heart or this.It's so powerful! I realise, I've broken a million relations, lied many times and lost people I adored, listening to it. Well, nothing worng in listening though, wrong when I regret what I did, which cannot be corected now.
I've started searching for happiness in little things, things we wont bother noticing everyday. A butterfly, fluttering past you, the smile people give back when you smile at them.
Parents have their worries maybe. But that shouldn't stop me from doing things I love and won't do any harm. Trust. That's the magic word to let you live without worries.
I am a lot more happier, cause I met my 2nd class mate, on one of the entrance exams. We were a bench apart, but then I had the feeling I met her before. We struck a conversation, and I asked her about her where-abouts. Man! When we dug up the whole topic..she was my friend! Gosh! It's so exciting to meet your friends after years! She couldn't recognize me..but "SNIGDHA!" the name of a jobless kid, who irked all the teachers reminded her. I still remember my school. The principal, is now in the 3rd stage of cancer, she was the one who loved me the most in the school.
I will be visiting her soon. Gosh! Nostalgic.
Like I always say, Life goes on. Present, is more exciting than the past or future. Live now.
------To get into the mood---listen to What about now?---Chris Daughtry.
love y'all.
snuggles.(:Pone of the best nicknames I've had.)
Maybe, they won't pester you so much for studying well, or behaving well, after you've reached your goal? I'll keep the hope alive.
All these years, I've lived believing, I'd be perfect one day. I'll have people loving me, no enemies, and I'd do things my way. Little did I realise..that one day is the day of celeebration for working out like a slave the rest of the days!
Conscience. Has been my latest enemy. I've gotta listen to my heart or this.It's so powerful! I realise, I've broken a million relations, lied many times and lost people I adored, listening to it. Well, nothing worng in listening though, wrong when I regret what I did, which cannot be corected now.
I've started searching for happiness in little things, things we wont bother noticing everyday. A butterfly, fluttering past you, the smile people give back when you smile at them.
Parents have their worries maybe. But that shouldn't stop me from doing things I love and won't do any harm. Trust. That's the magic word to let you live without worries.
I am a lot more happier, cause I met my 2nd class mate, on one of the entrance exams. We were a bench apart, but then I had the feeling I met her before. We struck a conversation, and I asked her about her where-abouts. Man! When we dug up the whole topic..she was my friend! Gosh! It's so exciting to meet your friends after years! She couldn't recognize me..but "SNIGDHA!" the name of a jobless kid, who irked all the teachers reminded her. I still remember my school. The principal, is now in the 3rd stage of cancer, she was the one who loved me the most in the school.
I will be visiting her soon. Gosh! Nostalgic.
Like I always say, Life goes on. Present, is more exciting than the past or future. Live now.
------To get into the mood---listen to What about now?---Chris Daughtry.
love y'all.
snuggles.(:Pone of the best nicknames I've had.)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Leave out all the rest!
I finished my practical exams thankfully.Today was chemistry.Okay. Screwed it up big time. If not for Dhaval and Lisa, and a girl beside me, I would have poured all the solutions over my head and danced on the table.My God! It was such a disaster!The external seemed to be observing pant pockets and lab-coat pockets more than asking questions on the experiment! Took away my cell-phone and threatened not to give it back to me. I tried acting cool, even though I was freaking out inside.I can't believe I had a nervous breakdown just before the exam started, which vacuum cleaned away everything I learnt, rather mugged up! Yes, I know, Chemistry is like hell-easy for you, but I fractured my leg and was in vizag for two months isn't it? ;)
Apparently, I was so scared after the exam(even after the lady with a bunch of flowers in her hair gave my phone back!), that me,Meg,Karan and Tej went to my favourite place, yes, C.C.D.
It was the first time, Meg and Tej spoke and it was also the first time all of us hanged out, well, we spoke about everything positively, until we stopped at V-day's plans. Why is there such a hype about it? Isn't it like every other day? Do you only need to tell your guy, that you love him only on that particular day? Okay Meggi I know,you come under a different case ;). Yes, we singles do feel left out on that day, but we can do something useful, in that time instead of accepting a hundred roses, from a wanna-be-romantic kid. Yes, Kid.
Anyway, we all pounced on each other when this topic came up. WE decided to end it there, cause guys have weird feelings for that day, and my species too has weird planning for that day. So, Let it be. And and and and, I realised. There are guys who READ books. Apart from a few geeks i know, I hardly know people who READ books.And, I feel awe fully happy, even though I screwed my exam, cause one such person, I know, actually thinks, understands and gives a damn when things are not fine with me. Well, when some people are biting your head to CHANGE, there this person who punches my shoulder and says "Be you."
And yeah, am a kiddo in the end isn't it? I'd prefer being a kid, to being a real stuck-up-nose kid, who only knows how to "Hmmmph" and scream when angry! And yeah, use the F word every half a minute and think it is cool. Well, at least now I know, you won't be loved unless you love yourself. My god, this V-day hype has seriously made me confess so many things!
Good for me, and good for people around me.Wonder how I become strong at one point of time, and crumble the next moment? Anyway, that's another thing i need to tackle.
Till then,
love y'all.
P.S: Are you my specie? Are you lonely? Do you listen to Beyonce? Go check: Put a ring on it. Will console you.Peace.
Apparently, I was so scared after the exam(even after the lady with a bunch of flowers in her hair gave my phone back!), that me,Meg,Karan and Tej went to my favourite place, yes, C.C.D.
It was the first time, Meg and Tej spoke and it was also the first time all of us hanged out, well, we spoke about everything positively, until we stopped at V-day's plans. Why is there such a hype about it? Isn't it like every other day? Do you only need to tell your guy, that you love him only on that particular day? Okay Meggi I know,you come under a different case ;). Yes, we singles do feel left out on that day, but we can do something useful, in that time instead of accepting a hundred roses, from a wanna-be-romantic kid. Yes, Kid.
Anyway, we all pounced on each other when this topic came up. WE decided to end it there, cause guys have weird feelings for that day, and my species too has weird planning for that day. So, Let it be. And and and and, I realised. There are guys who READ books. Apart from a few geeks i know, I hardly know people who READ books.And, I feel awe fully happy, even though I screwed my exam, cause one such person, I know, actually thinks, understands and gives a damn when things are not fine with me. Well, when some people are biting your head to CHANGE, there this person who punches my shoulder and says "Be you."
And yeah, am a kiddo in the end isn't it? I'd prefer being a kid, to being a real stuck-up-nose kid, who only knows how to "Hmmmph" and scream when angry! And yeah, use the F word every half a minute and think it is cool. Well, at least now I know, you won't be loved unless you love yourself. My god, this V-day hype has seriously made me confess so many things!
Good for me, and good for people around me.Wonder how I become strong at one point of time, and crumble the next moment? Anyway, that's another thing i need to tackle.
Till then,
love y'all.
P.S: Are you my specie? Are you lonely? Do you listen to Beyonce? Go check: Put a ring on it. Will console you.Peace.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"You only see what your eyes want to see, how can life be what you want it to be? You're frozen, when your're heart's not open. You're so concerned with how much you get, you waste your time with hate and regret! You're broken, when your heart's not open."
These were one of the *ewwwest* lyrics in my list. But for a change, they are true.
Life's new lesson:Stop waiting for things to happen, make it happen, or don't give a damn.
Got me mistah?
These were one of the *ewwwest* lyrics in my list. But for a change, they are true.
Life's new lesson:Stop waiting for things to happen, make it happen, or don't give a damn.
Got me mistah?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Why is everything so intresting now? Never knew working of the Tangential galvanometer could be so easy..never knew synthesizing paracetamol could be really thrilling..just when I have 30 something days!
I only live on coffee nowadays...and chocolate doughnuts. In a dazed condition. Horribly confused. I'm even waiting for 10 seconds to type the next word. And am totally in love with enrique's voice. Spend my free time only with him. Somewhere..we have a connection..I feel awefully relaxed once he's on my player :). And I have this strange desire now, to sing with him.Wish he was 17. Anyway, my physics and chemistry records are pending. I've struggled horribly yesterday, trying to complete it. Gaurav came home, got me and mum a bunch of yellow roses. It must have been years since I smelt a bunch of flowers. Thanks gaurav.:)
We did our records together. Been to ccd again. Got the same stares I get from those waitors. Ordered the regular. Sat down and started my record. That place does give me a tummy ache, but that's one place I love.I wouldn't mind spending my holidays totally there. Today, I took a few of my pals there, had a doughnut. Got dropped home. And now..in a horrible mood. Am cutting out everyone. No wonder I blog only when am in a nasty mood. I wish I find my road, my direction, and what I really want in life. I wish I could forget shitty things, I wanna start all over again. All the things i did, hurt god knows how many, all those silly things i said, which pissed of too many kids, I wish i could clear out everything. But, life doesn't come with an UNDO option.
Ofcourse, I have an edit option. I wanna run away, to a place where I'll find only my favourite people, nobody else...! Can't wait for exams to get over. Can't believe I am less violent. And yes, I'll still be the same ol' Joey(lol! yeah, that's my new nick name.) with a lil extra humane nature.(just occured. How many times have I told that to myself? GOD! make me stable!Plllzzzz)
Love you all.
I only live on coffee nowadays...and chocolate doughnuts. In a dazed condition. Horribly confused. I'm even waiting for 10 seconds to type the next word. And am totally in love with enrique's voice. Spend my free time only with him. Somewhere..we have a connection..I feel awefully relaxed once he's on my player :). And I have this strange desire now, to sing with him.Wish he was 17. Anyway, my physics and chemistry records are pending. I've struggled horribly yesterday, trying to complete it. Gaurav came home, got me and mum a bunch of yellow roses. It must have been years since I smelt a bunch of flowers. Thanks gaurav.:)
We did our records together. Been to ccd again. Got the same stares I get from those waitors. Ordered the regular. Sat down and started my record. That place does give me a tummy ache, but that's one place I love.I wouldn't mind spending my holidays totally there. Today, I took a few of my pals there, had a doughnut. Got dropped home. And now..in a horrible mood. Am cutting out everyone. No wonder I blog only when am in a nasty mood. I wish I find my road, my direction, and what I really want in life. I wish I could forget shitty things, I wanna start all over again. All the things i did, hurt god knows how many, all those silly things i said, which pissed of too many kids, I wish i could clear out everything. But, life doesn't come with an UNDO option.
Ofcourse, I have an edit option. I wanna run away, to a place where I'll find only my favourite people, nobody else...! Can't wait for exams to get over. Can't believe I am less violent. And yes, I'll still be the same ol' Joey(lol! yeah, that's my new nick name.) with a lil extra humane nature.(just occured. How many times have I told that to myself? GOD! make me stable!Plllzzzz)
Love you all.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Vote of thanks.
I am trembling. Thanx for making my day a real spooky one. Yes, thank your beloved Karizma too. What was supposed to be a hospital visit, turned out to be a nightmare. Thank you Mr.Karizma for scaring me out of my skin. Thankyou, the rest of you, to think it was a once-in-a-life time experience. And thank you, for curing me from the fear, I've had since my kinder-garten. And thankyou God for not making me meet youknowwho, cause I know I would have been another freak after that(yes, I get a complex when am with youknowwho, (more)taller,stronger and sharper.). Thank you, for making me a psycho today, and also thank you for bringing me back to normal. Thank you for making me realise I deserve better things in life, be it anything, I deserve BETTER things. Thank you for making me such an unstable being, that I never really understood what I did all my life. Thank you for making me a peaceful human being today, cause I've been smiling since morning, hugged my mom like five times, and although missed out youknowwho, Nik made my day, went to see my friend who broke a toe and is in the hospital. And yes, thank you for making me a born liar. Amen.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I want to break free from everything pulling me back to be somebody else. I want to live in peace. I hate my conscience. I wish I didn't have one. I don't want to be rude and arrogant.
All I want is people to accept me the way I am instead of correcting me all the time. Let me live!
All I want is people to accept me the way I am instead of correcting me all the time. Let me live!
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