Yes..a smile..have you ever wondered how important it could be in a NORMAL human being's life? Well I don't know about anybody..but I found the best people on earth after a little show of their teeth! Yeah...smiles can exist even without showing your teeth...but..uhuh...anything is fine. :P I can give you a million incidents where I actually met somebody after they smiled back. Ever seen a hungry kid's expression when he/she gets a ice-cream? What a glow the face has?? Ever seen a person's face when he/she is very happy ? However ugly they might look, they'll look amazing when they smile!
On march 27th 1997, somebody very special entered into mylife…my little sister! The day I saw her..I immediately developed a liking towards her, and why? Cause she gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever come across ,of course this smile is a different one..she was making fun of me when I was taking the picture!. From the day she was born to now…she smiles the same way and believe me that smile makes miracles. She is the first to come and give me a bear hug when ever am sad or low..and that one smile drowns the whole sadness in a jiffy!
Seriously..a smile could soften the hard heart of any psycho...(exceptions are present!)...but isn't it strange? A smile can break the ice and you never know..! One of my friends in the class has a smart smile…the moment he smiles the whole lot around him breaks into big wide smiles...and seeing him all of us start smiling for no reason! 
So keep smiling and spread your smile...yes, did'nt you know it was contagious? ;-)
Do not smile because you should be smiling at that moment, smile because you love the situation…!
A smile can lessen your enemies too...(exceptions present here!)
(yes it works well on back biters too!)
(yes most of them shut up when you smile at them!)
(yes I know you are going to try on them!)
( yes you'll succeed!)
Most importantly, Smile in situations where you cannot smile...that will ease your worries and you will think clearly..:-P works quite well with me..though!
Love and peace.
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